The very first assignment we were given in the fellowship was to create a wallpaper design based on a player from the Sharks. I decided to go with Tomas hertl, as he is currently one of my favorite players on the team.
The initial design (which you can see below this text) was centered around his nickname -- "teenage mutant ninja hertl", as well as incorporating in elements that would remind the viewer of a shark.
After receiving feedback from the other fellows and the Sharks and Adobe's creative teams, I began work on the updated version, which included (but was not limited to) color correction, photo resizing + editing, text element edits, and gradient creation.
Another graphic we were tasked with making alongside this update of our wallpaper was an about me card. The only instructions were to list three facts about ourselves, include our first and last names, and utilize the Sharks and Adobe logos in our work. Other than that, we had free creative reign to do what we liked.
I decided to recreate a pokémon trainer card, as my love for that franchise has greatly influenced my work and style over the years. The most challenging part of creating this card was to make the pokéball elements from scratch, and I ended up having to use a few reference images to get it just right.
The final product is below, and was showcased on the San jose Sharks' instagram stories as well as on their twitter/x account.

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